The Bag Problem
Bags are magical! They're these nifty little pieces that both hold all our stuff and act as markers of self-expression and individual style. But they can't help the universal problem of human forgetfulness. It's happened to me numerous times. I tell myself "Hey Chaeeun, remember to pack your medicine in your bag. You need to take it after class." ...And like clockwork, I forget to put the medicine in my bag. Or an even more common occurrence, I get to a cafe to get some work done only to realize: I left my laptop charger at home.
When I talked with my bag-toting friends, many of them brought up similar issues: forgetting to put their sunglasses in their bag, accidentally forgetting their keys, forgetting to pack extra tampons. Or maybe they're in a rush and forgot their perfume...the list of small mishaps is endless.
The Bag's Superpower
I was ragging on bags earlier, but bags are actually such a genius invention. They're so good at consolidating. They allow us to carry things with ease as we travel from place to place. They make it easy to keep everything in one place.
The caveat here is: you must know what's in your bag. And you must know if something is missing. Here is where I saw an opportunity to augment the function of the ubiquitous bag.